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Neck Exercises


Strong, flexible muscles and joints which resist strain and injury will help prevent injury. The best preventive medicine for neck and back strain is movement. Take frequent breaks away from the computer screen to stretch.  Here are some easy stretching exercises for simple neck pain that can relieve simple cases of neck ache. Some can even be used on the job to relieve neck strain. Never do any exercise that causes increased pain.  We have provided this medical information to make you more knowledgeable about nonsurgical aspects of care, the role of exercise in your long-term recovery, and injury prevention. In some cases exercise may be inappropriate. Remember, if you diagnose or treat yourself, you assume the responsibility for your actions. You should never do any exercise that causes increased pain. You should never do any exercise that places body weight on a weakened or injured limb or back.

Neck Glide

Neck Glide

Start with neck straight. Slowly slide your chin forward. Hold for five seconds and return to starting position. Do ten times.

Neck Extension

Neck Extension

Without arching your back, slowly move your head backward so you are looking upward. Hold for five seconds. Return to starting position. This is a good exercise to do during work to prevent neck strain.

Neck Rotation

Neck Rotation

Start by looking straight ahead. Slowly turn your head to the left. Hold for ten seconds, then return to starting position. Then, slowly turn you head to the other side. Hold for ten seconds. Return to starting position. Do ten repetitions. This is a good exercise to do during work, especially if you have to keep your head in a steady position for extended periods, as in working at a computer. Do this exercise every half hour to prevent neck strain.

Lateral Extension

Lateral Extension

Start by looking straight ahead. Slowly lean your head to the left. Using your left hand for resistance, use the muscles in your neck to press against it. Hold for five seconds, then return to starting position. Then, slowly lean your head to the other side. Hold for five seconds. Return to starting position. Do ten repetitions. This is a good exercise to do during work, especially if you have to keep your head in a steady position for extended periods, as in working at a computer. Do this exercise every half hour to prevent neck strain.

Shoulder Shrugs

Shoulder Shrugs

Start by looking straight ahead. Slowly raise both shoulders up. Hold for five seconds, then return to starting position. Do ten repetitions. This is a good exercise to do during work, especially if you have to keep your head in a steady position for extended periods, as in working at a computer. Do this exercise every half hour to prevent neck strain.

Tilted Forward Flexion

Tilted Forward Flexion

Start by looking straight ahead. Slowly lower your chin toward your chest. Hold for five seconds, then return to starting position. Do ten repetitions. This is a good exercise to do during work, especially if you have to keep your head in a steady position for extended periods, as in working at a computer. Do this exercise every half hour to prevent neck strain.

Deep Stretching

Deep Stretching

Sitting with good posture, let your head fall towards your shoulder. You can apply pressure with your hand as shown. You may also hold onto your chair with the opposite hand. Hold 30 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Resistance Presses

Resistance Presses

Keep your head in a neutral position at all times. Apply pressure to your head in the following positions for 5 seconds then relax. Flexion- place hand at forehead. Extension- place hand at back of head

Towel Pull

Towel Pull

Place rolled towel around your neck, and hold ends with hands. Slowly look up as far as you can, rolling your head over the towel. Apply gentle pressure on towel to support cervical spine as you extend head back. Do not hold the position. Instead return to starting position. Repeat 10 times.

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