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Week 5 Training – River Run Ambassadors

Ruth – I Think I Can….I Think I Can…..I Think I Can

Ruth – I Think I Can….I Think I Can…..I Think I Can
Henderson River Front

Whenever I run, I keep a little internal dialog going…”OK, make it to the next X and you can stop”…oh I made it to X…”OK, make it to Y and you can stop.”

My main running path has been the Henderson River Front. This for a couple reasons; it’s nearby, it has hills (gotta make it up that bridge), and it’s a fun area to walk and run in. There is one area on the walking path in Henderson I have goal for….it’s to run this specific stretch without stopping. I have run this path four times now and have made this stretch once. That one time felt like such a huge win for me.

Last weekend since I couldn’t make the training run, I ran where I could. So my son and I ran up the ramp & steps at the Kentucky Science Center in Louisville. Even better….I kept up with him!

Over the last few weeks I have started to notice a few changes. My feet, ankles & hips aren’t quite as sore as they used to be. I can run for longer amounts of time before getting winded. So now it’s time to step up a little more. Exercise a little harder, walk and run longer distances, & keep my internal dialog going.

Kentucky Science Center
Kentucky Science Center

Katie – Drowning In Chocolate Syrup

One thing I’ve learned throughout this training process is that there are some weeks when you feel so accomplished—you went to the gym almost every day, you chose the right foods to fuel your body, and you can feel yourself growing stronger with every step.

And then there are other weeks—weeks like the one that I just had.

Monday was my birthday; I finally hit 25, which means that I’m officially closer to my 30’s than my 20’s, and I’m having a really hard time with that. So forgive for having a slice of cheesecake instead of going to the gym; I chose to eat my feelings and drown my sorrows in chocolate syrup.

Tuesday, which was the last day of February, was my dead line for picking out a dress for my bridesmaids to wear during the wedding. So I spent the entire evening looking through hundreds of dresses, torturing one of my maids as she tried on dress after dress until I was satisfied. I’m ridiculously indecisive, and trying to choose a dress for 8 girls of all different shapes and sizes is not an easy task.

Wednesday, my car battery died. Gone. Completely dead. So I spent most of the evening with my wonderful fiance as he helped me get it replaced. And then treated ourselves with large McDonald’s Cokes and chicken nuggets.

Thursday morning, I noticed that one of my front tires was almost completely flat. I filled it up with air, and by the end of the day, it had gone flat again—so I headed over to discount tire. Turns out, both of my front tires needed to be replaced. I can easily say that between these last two days, it was the quickest $400 I’ve ever spent. Happy Birthday to me!

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, my flower girl had her regional dance competition in St. Louis, and that’s where I spent my weekend. I’ll totally admit that I splurged on complimentary breakfast and scoops on scoops of ice cream from the parlor inside our hotel. I also may have treated myself with happy hour drinks, because after this week, I needed them.

So, no. I did not go to the gym. I was unable to make the training due to being out of town. I chose chocolate chip pancakes over oatmeal for breakfast, and I chose Sangria over Low-cal lemonade with dinner. I had some adult priorities that I had to get sorted out, and sometimes, that’s just the way it goes. I promise that next week in my blog post I will fulfill your expectations with complaints about my sore muscles and worn out feet. I can’t promise that my car won’t break down again (Lord willing, hopefully I can avoid any more car troubles) but I CAN promise that I will make more conscious decisions about the food I am putting into my body, and that I will choose to drown any sorrows I may have in bottles of water instead of chocolate syrup.


What I thought was going to be another week of training and getting stronger turned out to be a quite the opposite. On Monday of last week I did get a few miles in prior to it getting too dark. If I would have known I was cleaning up after a storm and being sick for the rest of the week, I would have tried harder.

After the storm hit, although we did not get severe damage, we had several things to clean up and neighbors to help out. Once that was done, that is when my weird virus/sickness hit. I felt weak, tired, had serve stomach upset and headaches to where it was difficult to leave the house. I spent the majority of my time at home, watching the sunshine from inside. I did manage, with a little assistance, to make it outside on Sunday for a walk and seem to be doing better as time goes on. Hopefully if the weather and my body cooperate, I can get back into training.

Read more about last week’s storms here.


Week 5, I’m stuck. Stuck on a 16 minute mile, grrrrr. I did make 6 miles on the Saturday training run and 6 miles again on Sunday along the Newburg trail. I walk/run so it’s getting a bit easier to run but still at that 16 minute mile. I’m upping my cardio this week, only going to walk/run treadmill two days and do more of the PhysiMax exercise and see if I can get my time just a bit better. I’d like to be at a 14 minute mile by River Run day. I’ve got 8 weeks to go, if I can push a bit more and stay healthy!!! Head cold making it rounds down here in the basement, my son has confirmed flu SO I apologize in advance for anyone who eats lunch at the Read street office, all my lunches will have extra garlic!

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